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Shopee is an e-commerce platform headquartered in Singapore under Sea Group. In the third quarter of 2018, Shopee saw 158.5 million gross orders and US$2.7 billion in gross merchandise value (GMV) in Southeast Asia and Taiwan.

Shopee tried to gain more new users by introducing the 618 campaign during the GSS 2019, therefore they tried WeChat marketing service from us.

The Campaign was mainly advertised at WeChat Official Account 新加坡狮城椰子, and it was enhanced by reposting the article to WeChat Group and WeChat Moment.

Content Flow: Considering the 618 festival origins from China, the article starting with an emphasis on China’s e-commerce advantages. Then it gives a solution on how to purchase China e-commerce products without using a forwarder, which is the Shopee Marketplace. From here it naturally introduced one of the 618 promotion —— free shipping to SG in Marketplace. Followed by the platform introduction, the article gives a breakdown of all promotion details.

Add-on Service: The article launched on WeChat Official Account first. The next day it was reposted to multiple WeChat Group and to some KOL’s WeChat Moments.
Achievement: The campaign successfully covered 20,000 readers and bring a number of new users to register Shopee.